Project Results – Ecosystem Approach Checklists

To make it easier to use the ecosystem approach in Maritime Spatial Planning we made a toolbox. The toolbox contains...

To make it easier to use the ecosystem approach in Maritime Spatial Planning we made a toolbox. The toolbox contains three checklists. These checklists are useful for authorities and others involved in Maritime Spatial Planning.

Our checklists help you to secure that the key elements of the ecosystem approach are included in your Maritime Spatial Planning. They can also inspire and help you to analyse the extent of common views.

The ecosystem approach is a holistic approach, which can help one in what and how to achieve different goals regarding maritime activities. It is sometimes called the ecosystem-based approach. With its help, you can aim to not exceed the limits of the ecosystem while benefiting from it. Identification of the ecosystem services, precaution and adaptation are a few key elements of the ecosystem approach, and they are included in the checklist toolbox.

The aim of our toolbox is to harmonise the understanding of what the ecosystem approach is, and how it can be used in Maritime Spatial Planning. Filling out the checklists ourselves, we saw to which extent we had common views between our six countries. We found that there could be more done on the transboundary dimensions, but also that there is a common view with similar approaches in all countries.

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The Ecosystem Approach in Maritime Spatial Planning A Checklist Toolbox

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